Our Mission

At Astar Abatement, Inc., our mission is to provide you with dependable and reliable services that meet or exceed your needs and regulatory requirements. In order to accomplish our goal, our experienced and knowledgeable team provides you with a safe working environment at a competitive price.
Roger Pritt
Derek Sigman
Vice President of Operations
Don Morris
Vice President of Environmental Consulting
Cathy White
Remediation Services Coordinator
Vanessa Pritt
Vice President of Administration
Jackie Slate
Environmental Hygienist
At Astar Abatement, Inc., our mission is to provide you with dependable and reliable services that meet or exceed your needs and regulatory requirements. In order to accomplish our goal, our experienced and knowledgeable team provides you with a safe working environment at a competitive price.
Derek Sigman
        Vice President of Operations
Roger Pritt

Don Morris
Vice President of Environmental Consulting
Jackie Slate
Environmental Hygienist
Vanessa Pritt
Vice President of Administration
Cathy White
Remediation Services Coordinator
Amber Watson
Accounting Division
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